Phil Hooley is a long time singer songwriter, having performed in many bands over the years. His best work to date is an album of his songs recorded by his band The Woolgatherers in 2008, entitled Long Way To Indigo. The album received critical acclaim in UK national press, including Sound On Sound, The Link, and Talk. Visit the website or just Google the name Phil Hooley to sample some of the songs. The material does not fall into a particular category as it blends Country, Blues, Folk, with a hint of Irish influence and even a bit of Swing. However lyrically the songs are all equally poignant and heartfelt and the performances have been described as "excellent".
The long awaited second CD, as yet untitled is in progress. Phil has recorded 13 songs acoustically and is currently involved in the arrangements.

Latest News

Phil is about to embark on some solo gigs, trying out some new material in an "unplugged" format. It may seem a peculiar way of doing things but he finds that usually this helps firm up the songs before committing to CD. First stop
Cellars Bar, 24th July

August Hol. The Woolgatherers topped the bill at The Summer Music Festival, Hackness.

October 2010 Phil and The Woolgatherers are in the studio putting together the arrangements for the next CD, working title "People"

Big in Leavening

Phil's band The Woolgatherers played to a packed house in Leavening, N. Yorkshire. The small village has taken the band to their hearts and often put a bus on to their gigs!


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Phil Hooley
over 30 days ago to Phil Hooley

After a busy year doing some solo performances, songwriting and arranging the next album, I'm performing again with The Woolgatherers. I'm delighted to say that we are getting some airplay on the BBC (BBC Introducing have featured "One More" to close the show and are planning to use some other songs soon). So Happy New Year to all you listeners, readers and players out there!

over 30 days ago to Phil Hooley

We appreciate your spot on review of "YOU CALL EVERYBODY BABY" I felt the lyrics were too simple in the verses myself. Written at Dunkin Donuts at 6AM on a Sunday morning after a late late night. I will have a listen to your work.

1 Replies
Phil Hooley
over 30 days ago

I sympathise! I've had a listen to some more of your tracks, and there are some really great songs, so please ignore my comments! In particular, I really like Holy Land. Good luck in whatever you do.

Andrea Standley
over 30 days ago to Phil Hooley

Thank you for your review of "It Matters"...sincerely appreciated! We are enjoying your songs and love these arrangements. If you own the Track Masters, pls think about putting them up on Songsinc - they will inspire others and could earn you some decent royalties!

Thanks again and Happy Writing!


1 Replies
Phil Hooley
over 30 days ago

Thanks Andrea, I'm not sure how to do that.....I'm not signed to anyone so I guess I can do what I like with the songs. I regard myself primarily as a songwriter and would like to place my songs with someone who can do them justice. How to go about this I don't know...any suggestions, kind regards, Phil

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